
Dan's Firewood & Lumber

Hard or Soft wood

Delivered @ your doorstep


burning wood

cutting wood

Get your fire wood on time. Call ahead so it can dry during the summer.

Firewood Hard or Soft, Split to size, We deliver!

Welcome to Dan's firewood.

We want to give you the ins and out’s on fire wood and provide you with a "Cut to size Delivery at your door Service". Variable sizes from 12" to 20" lengths from fine to course split.

Hard wood is: Maple - Ash - Birch - Oak - Beech.
   advantage: Longer burns - less intense heat.

Softwood is: Pine - Spruce - Fir - Poplar.
   advantage: Quick burning - intenser heat - less expensive - less ashes - easy starting.

Year Round FREE delivery of hard or soft wood.

Delivery area runs from Bridgetown (Beaconsfield - Chute road - To the river) to Aylesford (Victoria road - Nicholsville).
Outside our free delivery area we are Very compatible with our prices and quality of our wood! Payment: on delivery, cash only.

Call or email Danny for delivery of your Firewood: (902) 825-6424